Friday, November 21, 2014

Getting Crafty: DIY Glitter Pumpkins

I love the Fall. I love pumpkin spice lattes (like all white girls), sweater weather, leather jackets, crisp air and all the other wonderful things that come with it.  With Pinterest as my inspiration, I set out to make some Fall decor for my apartment. I was drawn to all the different ways people decorate pumpkins now, so I decided to make glitter pumpkins. I love this particular decoration for many reasons:

A) They look dope
B) They are cheap
C) You can make them the first week of October and they last till Thanksgiving, which covers your Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations- you're welcome.

What you need:

1) Baby Pumpkins
Get however many you want to decorate. (you can really do this to pumpkins of any size- I don't discriminate, I just like the way the small ones look on my table).

2) Clear Modge Podge

3) Glitter
I particularly like Martha Stewart's Glitter:
Martha's glitter is super fine and in my opinion looks much better than a coarse glitter, but to each their own.

4) A Brush
Personally, I use an old concealer brush. I really think anything that will spread the glue onto the pumpkin will do. I guess these are what you are supposed to use when applying modge podge:

Work over a paper plate or news paper. Take one pumpkin at a time and coat with glue thinly. I paint from the top to almost the bottom. I like a little of the true pumpkin to show and painting the base is a pain in the ass for many reasons. Take your glitter and shake that shit all over the pumpkin. I'm not going to lie glitter will be everywhere. Once its covered to your satisfaction place the pumpkin on a separate plate to dry. If you're not too lazy you can pour the excess glitter back into its container and carry on to the next. I personally like painting them in metallic golds and silvers, but do you baby boo. Leave them over night to dry . The next day shake the pumpkins over your sink so that some of the excess glitter comes off. *Please note that glitter will keep falling off till the end of time so don't make yourself crazy.* From there place them wherever you think looks best. 

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