I am personally notorious for hating exercise- it is a FACT amongst everyone who knows me. After begging and pleading my bestie convinced me to attend a class with her. For those of you who haven't experienced the phenomenon yet, let me paint you the picture: You walk into a dimly lit studio chalked full of soul cycle bikes. If you feel like everyone knows what they are doing except you, you're right! Girls are already propped up on their bikes and spinning prior to the class beginning- meanwhile I am still trying to figure out how to sit on this foreign bike and get my spin shoes to snap into the pedals! The instructor is going to be an incredibly fit and fab guy or woman with banging body. The instructors ride in front of the class. The are propped up on a pedestal (that is lit up like something holy) and facing you. There is a lightly scented Jonathan Adler candle burning in the background, NO fans, NO AC and NO clock. The class starts and everyone spins at a beat - that's right there is spin class swagger (I have yet to master). As were spinning into song two and I am out of breath and dripping sweat. I start envisioning what might happen if I pass out- will I loose all my teeth? Will someone stop and help? I think most likely I will loose all my teeth and everyone is so involved and focused in on this class that no one will help me- so I tell myself passing out is not an option and spin on. The class continues with dance party music, light shows, and lots of sweat being flung around. When I find out were in the last song I get a whole new burst of energy! I am so overwhelmed with joy that this class is almost over I spin so hard I might ride this bike right out the door! It's cool down time and I can't get my feet out of the fucking pedals! I am over it and I pull my feet from the shoes. I have successfully completed my 1st class! My face is purple, but I didn't die- hallelujah!
I like to compare these classes to getting a Brazilian wax -it hurts like hell while your in there and you wonder what prompted you to do this. You ask yourself "why the fuck am I you paying for such pain"? Answer: because once its done you feel like a million bucks! While it took me awhile to return after my first "ride" I have been going a bit more lately. I am far from an expert or even a "regular" but as jaded as I am towards exercise I cannot deny there is an element of fun to it and it is sure to kick you ass!
A couple more things you should know:
1) Sign up is promptly at 12pm on Monday! If you hangout and wait till 12:01 to try an get into a popular instructor's class (say Danny) your screwed!
2) If you make in on the waitlist early enough (e.g: 12:05PM that Monday) stalk the studio the day of your class and you are likely to get in -especially if the class is later in the week.
3) Your crotch will KILL the next day! Gel seat cover or not it will feel bruised and hurt to touch.
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