Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Miracle in a Tube: Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion

I came across this miracle in a tube completely by accident! My Mom bought a Sephora gift set one Christmas that contained this little lifesaver (even she had no idea what she had discovered). I didn't know what my beauty routine had been lacking until I came across this product and now I cant live without it! Take a small dot onto your finger and smear evenly all over your eyelid. Let it dry for a minute or two then apply your shadow and NEVER see a crease again!!!! Before this product came into my life I always had major creases half way through the day. This product will save you the annoyance of reapplying your eye shadow and looking like you have greasy eyelids! 1 tube lasts me 9 months! Totally worth the $20 if you ask me. This product prompted me to try other primers (Nars and MAC included) as I wanted to know what I had been missing all these years, but honestly I found this one is the best!

On a final note there are options on finishes:
nude sheer (original), champagne, matte tawny & gold. I prefer the original, but to each there own! Happy Priming!

You can buy it here:

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