Friday, January 16, 2015

Healthy Snack: Frozen Yogurt Covered Almonds

So its a new year and everyone and their dog is on some what of a health kick. I, myself am turning 30 in 6 months and feel some what determined to look and feel my best on this milestone birthday. Cue the trying to eat a bit healthier, though I still have my daily fat kid moments. A girlfriend of mine had told me about making frozen yogurt drops as a healthy snack.I took her idea and made it a bit more substantial by adding almonds and that how this simple recipe was born.

What you need:
Raw almonds
Container of your favorite yogurt (my personal favorites are Greek vanilla or strawberry) * Side note: if you don't eat dairy use a coconut or almond based yogurt.
parchment paper
cookie sheet (if you don't have a cookie sheet even a plat would do - really any flat surface)


Line your cookie sheet with parchment paper. Scoop a small dollop of your yogurt onto the sheet, place a almond in the center of the dollop and repeat. Obviously leave space between your drops.You can really decide how big or small you want the yogurt ratio to be, as always do you baby boo. Once your done place your tray in the freezer. The should be frozen within 3 hours or you can just leave overnight. Pull you yogurt dots off the parchment paper and store in a Ziploc bag in the freezer. A simple healthy snack with a bit of sweetness to curb your cravings. I know its not a fucking cookie, but it might do the trick! Enjoy!

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